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Can i install meego on nokia 5230 - rls

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Various developers have gone through the effort of creating an Android ROM that can be installed on other devices, or have started to do so. There used to be a project iDroid for porting Android 2. Nobody seems to be working on a port for iPhone or iPad any more. This guide shows how to do so, and it works on many WinMo devices. There aren't currently any known successful attempts to port Android to devices originally designed for Symbian.

There is no LiveCD functionality in Android-x It is regularly updated with the latest Android version. For more information about Android-x86 and more specific help, look at our frequently asked android-x86 questions. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.

Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Can I install Android on my non-Android device? Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 7 months ago. Active 5 years, 2 months ago. Viewed k times. Improve this question.

Matthew Read. You'll have to wait till the GPS receives signals from at least 4 satellites to get a "fix" or "lock" This can take some time depending on where you are. Using A-GPS is an advantage for a faster fix. Positioning server should be supl. You can try to install Google Maps and check whether that shows your location, exact or approximate.

If you dont want to use data connection, then only enable integrated GPS in positioning methods and try. Please check followings steps:- 1 Ensure that you have Memory card in your The exact folder isn't important, though using the existing 'Sounds' folder would seem sensible, to keep things together.

If your new songs don't appear in Music player straight away, choose 'Refresh library' from the library home screen - and then go off and have a cup of tea while the phone indexes everything! Firmware, firmware Smartphones are complex devices at heart and there will always be some bugs or problems, however large or small. Which is why it's vital to stay up to date in terms of firmware, i.

In the old days, you'd have had to have backed up all your data and jumped through hoops when applying a firmware upgrade, but with the and other modern Symbian-based phones from Nokia it's all painless and over the air. If one is available, you can download it in a few seconds and apply it - the whole process shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes and you shouldn't lose any data or apps!

Preserving battery life Even with the power improvements in modern smartphones, battery life can be an issue for some people, especially considering the amount of high-tech goodies they've got to power. Here are a few tips to last longer on your daily charge: Firstly, make sure you charge the each night, so at least it's starting the day on 'full' It's fun to surf the mobile Internet and use online services such as email while travelling.

But the single biggest power drain on your phone is its 3G data connection - keeping radio connections going with cell towers that are either far away or moving relative to you! Try to enjoy your offline as much as possible while actually mobile - so games, ebooks, watching videos, listening to music, all of which are less power hungry. Watch what applications you leave running in the background by switching away from them, using the main menu button or red 'Hangup' key - some games and Java applications are especially processor hungry, even when paused!

If things are chugging along in the background, you'll know because the will start to get quite warm to the touch! Experiment with using the display at less than full brightness - those photons have got to come from somewhere! Software update Usually abbreviated to 'Sw update' and found under 'Applications' on your 's menu, this goes online to check the version numbers of any core Nokia applications that you may have installed and to notify you of new Nokia-official software that you may be interested in.

For example, new versions of Ovi Maps - this now has completely free world voice navigation, so it's well worth upgrading! It's important to remember that things offered here are all completely optional - only install items that you know you'll use. If you install absolutely everything then you run the risk of gradually running out of internal memory see below.

Know your tariff One thing the , advanced though it is, doesn't have is Wi-Fi. This means that, even at home or work, all your phone's data comes in through its 3G data connection.

Even if you don't intend streaming music all the time or downloading huge files, it's still absolutely vital that you understand how much data is costing you on pay-as-you-go, usually a fixed cost per day and an 'overage' charge if you exceed a set limit; on contract, usually a set amount of data per month, again with overage charges.

Smartphones can be hungry beasts in terms of data - even modest use, with a few web pages, some application installs and a few photo uploads will see you well into the Megabytes. Know your tariff! Allow a few seconds for the removal to work - some applications may have spread themselves out over many files and it'll take a short time to delete every one of these.

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