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Since Franklin had been to England, was well known in Europe, and had proven himself as a negotiator, the Assembly sent him to London where, it was hoped, he could secure their interests against the Penns. He learned the fine art of British-style lobbying. Franklin dined out six days a week, developing relationships with influential people. It specified that the long tax-exempt Penn properties would be taxed, at a rate no higher than any other property. The bill was upheld in London.

Soon after Franklin returned on November 1, , battles resumed with the Penns. He was convinced Pennsylvania would be better run as a royal colony. The Pennsylvania Assembly agreed and sent him back to London the following October.

He was appointed by assemblies in Massachusetts and Georgia to represent their interests, too. Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which became law November 1, It called for taxes on legal documents, newspapers, and playing cards in the colonies, and Franklin accepted it as a fait accompli. He did speak out against the mistaken Notion. Franklin was startled by the intensity of colonial resistance to the Stamp Act. He feared the Stamp Act could provoke a break with Britain.

Accordingly, he launched one of his trademark propaganda campaigns against it. When Parliament held hearings on repeal, Franklin was among the 30 witnesses who testified. Asked if Americans would accept a more moderate tax, Franklin declared: No, never unless compelled by force of arms. The Stamp Act was repealed. Parliament tried again to assert its supremacy over the colonies. It passed a Quartering Act that empowered the British commander in America to demand lodgings for his soldiers.

In June , Parliament enacted new colonial taxes on glass, lead, paint, paper, and tea. Franklin urged some kind of conciliation, but back in the colonies Boston patriots Samuel Adams and James Otis spurred the Massachusetts Assembly to call for renewed resistance against British policies.

Public opinion radicalized after the Boston Massacre, in which British soldiers killed five Boston patriots. In , Franklin visited his friend Jonathan Shipley, bishop of St. Asaph, at his Twyford home, near Winchester. There he started work on his autobiography. Franklin, reported Yale University scholars, wrote the autobiography on large folio sheets, two leaves or four pages to a sheet. In initial composition he used only one vertical half of each page, leaving the other temporarily blank.

As he later reviewed what he had written, he canceled words or phrases in the first draft, inserted between the lines new or revised phraseology, or, if more room was necessary, used the space in the adjoining blank column. In Britain, Franklin met Anthony Benezet, the Philadelphia Quaker teacher who was probably the earliest abolitionist and an advocate of educating blacks and women.

He encouraged Quaker merchants to get out of the slave trade. He introduced Franklin to leading abolitionists and prodded him to join the opposition to the slave trade. He asked: Can sweetening our tea with sugar be a circumstance of such absolute necessity? Can the petty pleasure thence arising to the taste compensate for so much misery produced among our fellow creatures, and such a constant butchery of the human species by this pestilential, detestable traffic in the bodies and souls of men?

Franklin agreed to serve on the board of Bray Associates, an organization that established schools for black boys and girls in Newport, New York, Philadelphia, and Williamsburg.

In , Franklin wrote the Marquis de Condorcet: Negroes. Somehow, Franklin got his hands on six explosive letters by Massachusetts governor Thomas Hutchinson. In one, drafted after the Stamp Act crisis, Hutchinson had written: There must be an abridgment of what are called English liberties.

On December 2, , Franklin secretly sent them to Thomas Cushing, Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly, asking that they be kept confidential. But Samuel Adams broke the news, and the letters were published. In London, Franklin became an outcast. Perhaps attempting to redeem himself, he publicly criticized the Boston Tea Party in which Samuel Adams and the Sons of Liberty dumped chests of British tea into Boston Harbor and offered to pay for the lost tea. Franklin was summoned to a hearing before the British Privy Council.

Maverick member of Parliament Charles James Fox warned that all men tossed up their hats, and clapped their hands in boundless delight, at Mr. Franklin, without reckoning the cost it was to entail upon them. As Fox anticipated, this experience irrevocably turned Franklin against Britain.

Before he sailed for America on March 21, , he learned that his wife, Deborah, had died of paralysis.

Whatever they were, Franklin became swept up with fast-breaking events. While he was at sea, Paul Revere warned his compatriots that British soldiers were preparing for action in Lexington, Massachusetts, and then came the shot heard round the world, as Ralph Waldo Emerson later immortalized it.

Edmund Burke wrote a friend in the French army: What say you to your friend and brother Philosopher Franklin, who at upwards of seventy years of age, quits the Study of the Laws of Nature, in order to give Laws to new Commonwealth; and has crossed the Atlantick ocean at that time of Life, not to seek repose but to lunge into the midst of the most laborious and most arduous affairs that ever were.

On May 6, , the day after Franklin reached Philadelphia, the Pennsylvania Assembly made him a delegate to the Second Continental Congress, and a week later the British government issued an order for his arrest. My time was never more fully employed, Franklin wrote. In the morning, at six, I am at the Committee of Safety, appointed by the Assembly to put the province in a state of defense, which Committee holds till nine, when I am at the Congress, and that sits till after four in the afternoon.

Franklin was named to the Secret Committee of Congress, responsible for acquiring war supplies; and the Committee of Secret Correspondence, the fledgling State Department, whose aim was corresponding with our friends in Great Britain, Ireland, and other parts of the world.

In October , Franklin talked with an impassioned English immigrant whom he had met in London, suggesting the Englishman write a history of the present transactions. Indeed, the young man was already at work on such a project. He seems to have showed Franklin a draft in December. It was published as a page pamphlet on January 10, , and the author reportedly gave Franklin the first copy. The young man was Thomas Paine, and the pamphlet was Common Sense , whose eloquent call for independence electrified people throughout the colonies.

In just a few months, Common Sense sold some , copies. With this single mighty blow, Paine banished efforts to achieve a reconciliation with Britain.

The committee asked Jefferson to draft it. Adams and Franklin read at least one version. Jefferson had written reduce them to arbitrary power, which Franklin changed to reduce them under absolute despotism. Jefferson later remembered that I was sitting by Dr.

Franklin, who perceived that I was not insensible to these mutilations. When time came to sign the Declaration on August 2, John Hancock, President of Congress reportedly remarked: We must be unanimous; there must be no pulling different ways; we must all hang together.

According to legend—not any contemporary accounts—Franklin urged that the Declaration be adopted unanimously, saying we must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately.

With war underway, the best bet for help was France, which, having lost a war with Britain, would surely have wanted the British Empire to come apart. But the French were circumspect.

They were at peace with Britain. The Americans were the underdogs, and nobody, including the French, wanted to publicly back a loser.

King Louis XVI saw danger in supporting revolution against another monarchy. In addition, the British had spies everywhere, so it was likely that whatever the Americans did would soon be known in London. In Paris, a private outfit, Rodrique Hortalez and Company, was set up to acquire and ship war supplies. The Secret Committee of Congress thought they should have one of their own on the spot, so they dispatched Connecticut Congressman Silas Deane. Unknown and unconnected in Europe, he acknowledged, I was without personal credit, and the accounts of our misfortunes in America, with the confident assurances of the British Ministry by their ambassadors and partisans in Paris, that everything would be finished.

When Franklin was asked if he would go to France, he noted his gout and other infirmities and reportedly replied, I am old and good for nothing. French intellectuals respected him for his pioneering experiments with electricity, and ordinary people knew that his lightning rods saved homes from fire.

They reached Paris on December Franklin established his headquarters at Passy, a chateau in the town of Chaillot which was about one mile from Paris and seven miles from Versailles. The chateau belonged to Jacques Donatien Le Ray de Chaumont, an entrepreneur who had made money supplying uniforms to the French army. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U. January 6, ] — April 17, was an American polymath who was active as a writer, scientist, inventor, statesman, diplomat, printer, publisher and political philosopher.

Was Benjamin Franklin British or American? One of the leading figures of early American history, Benjamin Franklin was a statesman, author, publisher, scientist, inventor and diplomat. Born into a Boston family of modest means, Franklin had little formal education. He went on to start a successful printing business in Philadelphia and grew wealthy. Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 17, , the 15th child in a family of 17 children. Benjamin Franklin founded or helped found numerous organizations and institutions —fire-fighting clubs, academies, hospitals, libraries, and insurance companies.

Although important, his roles in those institutions take a back seat to his part in helping found the United States of America. A Founding Father Franklin was one of the — if not the — most important founding father in our nation. His work in forging the Declaration of Independence is considered pivotal in the forming of the nation, so it is well-fitting that his likeness be on this important bill.

New York: Oxford UP, Hicks, Heather. Isaacson, Walter. Benjamin Franklin: An American Life. Miles, Richard D. Park, You-me and Gayle Wald. Petry, Ann. The Street. London: Virago Press, Seavey, Ormond. Becoming Benjamin Franklin. Lawrence as Conflicting Modes of Consciousness. Gert Buelens and Ernest Rudin. White, Charles W. New York: Garland Publishing, Wood, Gordon S.

The Americanization of Benjamin Franklin. New York: Penguin Press, Wurst, Gayle. Press ESC to cancel. Ben Davis May 2, Why is Ben Franklin considered the first American? Why was Ben Franklin important to the American Revolution? What impact did Benjamin Franklin have on America?

Why was Benjamin Franklin chosen as ambassador to France? Did France help us gain independence? Was Benjamin Franklin ambassador to France? How did the Franklin stove impact society? Did Benjamin Franklin actually fly a kite?

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